And as promised on the show, here's part of the script that Sue wrote for the pilot episode of The Ropers:
ESTABLISHING SHOTOutdoor pan of California apartment complex. Cream stucco, palm trees, three stories.INTERIOR, DAYThe apartment is clearly high end California casual. Helen is lying on the couch in a white diaphanous robe with feather accents, flipping through a catalog. Stanley is peering through a curtain.STANLEYI think they’re doing it again. They’re all gathered around the pool like a pack of wolves. There’s going to be a party.HELENYou really need to stop that, you know.STANLEYWhat? Why? As the landlord it’s my job to keep track of everything and make sure tenants are…. Safe.HELEN RAISES AN EYEBROW AT HIS DISTRACTION AND TOSSES DOWN THE CATALOGAnd not stare at them when they wear bikinis at the pool.STANLEY, LOOKING AFFRONTEDThis has nothing to do with bikinis, I’ll have you know. That kid Cory is out there with a drone.HELEN, PERKING UP AND GETTING OFF THE COUCHHe’s not a kid, he’s thirty, and what is he wearing?STANLEY, STEPPING BACK AS HELEN WORMS HER WAY IN FRONT OF HIM TO LOOK OUT THE WINDOWYou really undermine yourself when you stare at the boys more than I stare at the girls.HELENI’m a middle-aged woman, we’re considered harmless no matter what we do.STANLEY SNORTSTHERE IS A KNOCK AT THE DOOR AND STANLEY OPENS IT. THERE IS A YOUNG, ATTRACTIVE WOMAN WRAPPED IN A SWIM ROBESTANLEYAmber, what’s up?AMBERSorry, Mr. Roper, but I was hoping you could let me into my apartment? I forgot my keys again.STANLEYWe’ve talked about this, Amber. I’m not your personal butler.AMBERI’m sorry. Pleeeeaase?STANLEY ROLLS HIS EYES AND GRABS HIS KEYS. HELEN WAVES FROM THE WINDOWHELENBe careful out there, honey. Watch out for the wolves!AMBER, LOOKING CONFUSEDWolves, Mrs. Roper?HELENDon’t worry, you’ll start to recognize them. But you don’t need to worry about the ones whose teeth have worn down.HELEN WINKS AT HER HUSBAND. STANLEY BARES HIS TEETH IN A SARCASTIC SMILE AND FOLLOWS AMBER OUT OF THE DOOR.
And here's Evan's proof-of-concept visual for sexy IKEA:
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